Getting fired on a Monday

Have you ever been fired before? Or you quit before they could do the honors? Or maybe you are even wondering what a job is. πŸ˜…

They say in relationships there is no best or worst way to break up but I totally disagree.

I will feel much better receiving a rejection while planning a weekend getaway for vacation without notifying HR.

Worst case scenario is to be fired on a Monday morning after prophesying positivity into your week. How ironic.

Getting fired can be messy for both employer and employee, especially on a Monday morning. But well, life will hand you lemons when you don't meet the deadline for melons.

At my former job, I had the rare opportunity of being unfortunate enough to be fired on a Monday. And in my awe of dismay and in exhilarating sadness, I wrote what I believe to be the most amazing farewell email I have ever seen.

There was no better way to start the email without that monologue. The second paragraph was the "we meuve" phase. The third paragraph was the "it's not you, it's me" moment.

This second part was my shout-out to colleagues who supported me and helped me try to not get fired. And yes, it felt good concluding it with my corny joke (but you laughedπŸ™ƒ)

So when next life kicks you in the nuts, have a good laugh at it while you cry in pain. ✌🏽

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